I've shared the good news with my school and family/friend community, so I thought it would be fun to share it with you all!
I was asked to write an article about Twitter for the Virginia Journal of Education back in March, and it has been published in the June issue! It is currently up on their website for everyone to see! Click the picture below to access the article!
I am very proud of not only my accomplishments on Twitter this year, but the accomplishments of my Hoffman Boston staff and other APS educators who drive me to continue to use this platform as a professional resource.
I would like to thank:
- My principal, Kimberley Graves, for allowing me to open this up as a communication resource to our staff
- Our APS Communications Director, Jennifer Harris, for being encouraging and excited through the whole process
- The APS superintendent, Dr. Patrick Murphy, for being supportive of a growing presence on social media
- The co-founders of #APSChats- Katherine Hale and Josh McLaughlin, for being constant reminders that we can continue to do amazing things
- And @VEA4Kids Journal editor, Tom Allen, for contacting me and making this possible!
I hope you enjoy the article and that you are able to share it with some educators who are not yet convinced about the powers of Twitter!
~Ms. Patrician (@mspatricianhfb)