Please link back to their page to link-up yourselves! Read a few of the other posts too, it is a great way to connect with other teacher bloggers!
Here is my Sunday Scoop:
3 things I have to do...
1) We are officially changing the lease of my apartment so that it includes myself, my roommate, Emily, and Brad, my boyfriend- big step- ahh! ;) It's exciting though! Plus Emily is still here, which makes it all the more awesome! :)
2) My coworkers, students, family, and friends have been working so hard to stay ahead of another school in votes for our video in the Michael and Son Jingle Sing-Off Contest! The contest goes until next Sunday, December 7th and we need as many votes as we can get to stay ahead of the game! Please help us by voting for Hoffman Boston Elementary and sharing! You can also retweet my (many) tweets in support of our video by following @mspatricianhfb on Twitter! Here is the link: Vote here!
3) Get through a full week of school after so much time off in November- starting some new lessons with my kids and excited to make the best of their post-holiday excitement!
2 things I hope to do...
1) Since advent has begun and Thanksgiving is officially over, it is time to get the tree up and decorated, as well as hang our stockings! We moved to a smaller apartment in May, so finding a spot for the tree is going to be tricky- we will have to find the best way to fit it into our space sometime this week!
2) I need to work off that Thanksgiving dinner with some Kazaxe in my life! This is the workout class that I love- always fun, always challenging, and always so hard to make it to after a long day of work- going to make it this week!!
1 thing I'm happy to do...
So happy to have a day at home after lots of traveling and activity over the past 5 days- seeing an old friend, doing some laundry, and kicking back to watch some good ole Redskins football...or is that an oxymoron these days? ;)
I would also like to mark this as the last official day of #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), though I will definitely be posting tomorrow as well, seeing as I missed November 1st. That means I have gone a whole month posting once a day! :) Pretty proud of myself- and I have loved the journey!
~Ms. Patrician